3 Simple BeatStars Beat Selling Ideas To Get More Beat Sales

There will always be a growing number of of tips, secrets and ideas to utilizing BeatStars to get more beat sales.

Here are just a few more that can help you generate some more beat sales this month.

Do More Beat Collabs
This is a simple but strategically powerful beat selling idea in that you do more Beat Collabs whereby the other producer(s) you collab with will also be promoting the beat/track you've produced with them and so your exposure is expanded to their audience. It's a Win-Win situation for all.

Create A Beat Blog (Artist-Focused Content)
The best thing to do is to create artist-focused beat blog posts that provide information, advice, tips and resources. This will establish you as a trusted and likeable source of knowledge and overall value as a Music Producer. This also gets you and your beats in front of artists who are searching/browsing artist-related topics as most of them will want to check out your beats that you have for sales.

Song Mixing/Mastering Services
If you're also experienced at mixing and mastering songs, then by providing such services to artists, you position yourself and your beats to be more readily noticed. Furthermore, by actually working 1-on-1 with the artist to polish their song, you'll naturally build a relationship of which you'd mention the fact that you also produce beats and have your beats for sale in your BeatStars Beat Store.

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